Saturday, March 1, 2008

Wheelchair Inspiration 1

February turned into March and early in April, I went to the town dump. Partly to get rid of trash and partly to take a break from writing. Someone had discarded a wheelchair which sat on top of the pile. It made me angy that someone had discarded an item which looked seviceable and could be used by others. I grabbed the chair, put it in the trunk of my car and took it home.
It had seemed okay at the dump, but on closer inspection, I found it had a broken weld. Opening the chair, I sat in it and tried to get the feel on how it worked. It was easy enough to manuever and I tried to imagine Maggie sitting in it. Whenever I felt a bit stuck in my writing, I went downstairs and sat in the chair, wheeling myself around. --More details soon.

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